C.1. Strengthening the police cooperation between Norway and Romania and national capabilities in combating human trafficking and itinerant crime
A.1. Expertise transfer in the field of itinerant crime and human trafficking
Expertise transfer in the field of itinerant crime and human trafficking - the activity aims at increasing the knowledge of police officers working in the field of itinerant crimes and human trafficking and to ensure the transfer of best practices in this area.
This will be achieved through the organization of the following activities:
workshops organized by KRIPOS that will take place in Norway with participants (Romanian police officers and Norway participants);
workshops will be organized by IGPR in Romania (Romanian police officers and Norway representatives);
study visits abroad conferences abroad/exhibitions for participants from Romanian Police.
All the knowledge and competences gained will be shared by participants with co-workers of each specialized unit during the in-service professional training activities.
A.2. Operational support for the investigative activities in Norway in the areas of itinerant crime and human trafficking
Operational support for the investigative activities in Norway in the areas of itinerant crime and human trafficking – the activity aims at ensuring a coherent / effective approach in investigating the criminal networks activities, while identifying the victims that need adequate legal protection, through police cooperation between Norway and Romania, for the benefit of public security in both countries.
The activity will include the following tasks:
deployment of Romanian police officers to Norway as well as deployment of Norwegian police officers to Romania;
information exchange visits in Romania, with representatives of the Norwegian partners in order to assess the measures for enhancing and strengthening the police cooperation.
A.3. Procurement of equipment to support the investigation in the areas of itinerant crime and human trafficking
Specific equipment will be procured with the aim to respond to the Romanian Police identified need of supplementing its capacity to face the new challenges in documenting the criminal activity and monitoring the movement of members of OCGs from Romania to Norway or vice versa.
A.4. Specialized training for documenting the activities of itinerant criminal groups and human trafficking networks
The training will focus on special investigative techniques used in documenting and combating the activities of itinerant criminal groups and human trafficking networks. Two training sessions will be organized (up to 6 days/training) with up to 20 participants from the Romanian Police. External experts (trainers) will be contracted to conduct the trainings.
A.5. Prevention campaign in the area of human trafficking
Prevention campaign in the area of human trafficking – a prevention campaign shall be conducted in the online environment aiming at reaching Romanian citizens at risk of being victims of human trafficking and for the purpose to inform and educate them with regard to the risks of accepting offers that could lead them into a situation of trafficking.
The initial part of the campaign will consist in contracting a media service provider, offering a complex package of activities, such as: anti-trafficking messages and visual materials, ensuring the achievement of a paid and targeted promotion of these messages and materials, as well as the implementation of specific performance indicators .
During the second part of the campaign, NAATIP (ANITP) specialists will continue the implementation and monitoring activities of the campaign, focusing on online promotion of anti-trafficking messages and materials through organic reach on social networks.
C.2. Combating money laundering and economic crimes at national level
A.6. Expertise transfer in the field of investigating money laundering and economic crimes
Expertise transfer in the field of investigating money laundering and economic crimes the activity is aiming at increasing the knowledge and efficiency of police officers working in the field of money laundering and economic crimes and to ensure the transfer of best practices.
In order to achieve this, the following activities will be organized:
common workshop/seminars will be organized in Norway by ØKOKRIM.
common workshop/seminars will be organized in Romania by IGPR.
study visits abroad/conferences abroad/exhibitions
All the knowledge and competences gained will be shared by participants with co-workers of each specialized unit during the in-service professional training activities. The activity will be implemented in close cooperation with the Norwegian partner.
A.7. Procurement of equipment to support the investigation in the areas of money laundering and economic crimes
In order to support the activities conducted by the Romanian Police and to be able to keep up with criminals who are always using the latest technology in committing crimes, it has been identified the need for procuring specific equipment for the use of
mobile systems which are to be used by the Police units countering economic crimes
PCs’ which are to be used by the Police units countering economic crimes
vehicle to be used by the Directorate for Investigating Economic Crimes
mobile system for Romanian Police units countering organised crime - money laundering
vehicles for Romanian Police units countering organised crime - money laundering
The equipment mentioned above is aimed at enhancing the mobility and efficiency of police officers working in the field countering economic crimes and organized crime-money laundering. All these measures are aimed at leading to an increased efficiency in administering justice and improving the level of recovery of loss in criminal cases by thoroughly documenting, in all aspects, the causes involved (identifying all the persons involved, establishing the connections between them and their role in committing the facts criminal offense, establishment of the financial circuit, goods and documents, identification for seizure of property from offenses).
A.8. Graduate course in the area of financial investigation and countering economic crimes
An academic partner will be selected through a public procedure and will be responsible for documentation and review of state of the art in the field of graduate level courses in investigation of money laundering and economic crimes, designing, preparing and delivering a graduate course in the area of financial investigation and countering economic crimes for representatives of Romanian Police, as well as developing of e-learning materials on financial investigations.
The sessions will be organized in Romania, in a modular manner, combining distance learning and classroom session for case studies and workshops, in order to enhance the practical competences in investigations of the police officers.
One train of trainers (ToT) module will be organised in order for the participants to be able to further disseminate the knowledge during the in-service professional training activities organised at the level of Romanian Police.
A.9. Expertise transfer in the area of countering money laundering on Internet
The expertise transfer will consist in practical workshops, organized in Norway and Romania, for Romanian police officers in order to be trained on analysing transactions with cryptocurrencies and/or similar methods and tools that could be used by criminal networks for money laundering. Experts from NTNU will be engaged in preparing the course materials, and participating in dedicated training activities organized in Norway and Romania. Thus, workshops/seminars will be organized by NTNU in Norway, with participants from Romanian Police. Other workshops/seminars will be organized by IGPR in Romania, with participants from the Romanian Police and Norwegian partners.
A.10. Improving the resilience of the Romanian Police in fighting trafficking and organized crime
Nowadays criminal networks benefit from the development and cheapness of new technologies, exploiting the opportunities offered by the freedom of movement across Europe to expand their cross-border criminal activities in different domains (trafficking of goods, drugs and persons, theft, cybercrime etc.). In this respect, the law enforcement authorities need to be prepared to face the new challenges, and the police staff needs to be trained on regular basis. The Romanian Police owns several training facilities across the country, but many of those are outdated, and the conditions are quite poor and unsuitable for a modern instruction process. In terms of sustainability, the rehabilitation of such premises is extremely important, because it ensures the guarantee of a future education and training for the officers at reasonable costs. On the same time, the activity comprises the organization of specialized courses and trainings in the new rehabilitated facilities.
"Nicolae Golescu" Police School - Slatina is the main professional training facility for the Romanian police officers and has an infrastructure that needs to be improved. The activities which will be conducted here will further contribute to the dissemination and the sustainability of the project.
The investments foreseen to be executed at "Nicolae Golescu" Police School - Slatina will consist in rehabilitation and consolidation works of spaces for accommodation, thus ensuring the proper standards required by a training institution.
Moreover, investments will be made to classrooms, consisting in refurbishment and procurement of equipment which will allow creating an innovative and dynamic environment for the police officers that will be trained.
After the completion of the refurbishments, at the premises of the "Nicolae Golescu" Police School - Slatina will be organized specialized trainings. The training sessions will be held in the classrooms that benefitted of modernization works and equipping through the project and the police officers will be trained in topics related to countering itinerant crimes, economic, trafficking and organized crimes.
The resilience of the Romanian Police in fighting trafficking and organized crime will be also enhanced through equipping of a space having the destination of shooting range for carrying out external and terminal ballistics determinations in the field of judicial ballistics, including the examinations, experiments and expertise requested by judicial bodies in criminal cases of human trafficking, migrant trafficking and organized crime. The abovementioned facility will be set up at the premises of the National Forensic Institute of Romanian Police. The technical setting of the space includes specific equipment for ballistic determinations (catcher, ultra-fast video camera, ballistic radar, internal and external ballistic software, desertification and measurement devices, etc.)
C.3. Improving the effectiveness of the police system and its performance in the field of dactyloscopic data identification and exchange
A.11. AFIS modernization and update
AFIS modernization and update - the modernization and optimization of current AFIS will extend its life cycle and ensure its operational readiness. It will also align the system to current technological developments and necessities, such as processing the new types of NIST files containing dactyloscopic data sent by other Member States which have already implemented up-to-date versions of the system. The capacity of AFIS will be aligned with current standards of other EU member states, in order to ensure robust cooperation and data exchange amongst LEA in Europe, for an accurate identification of individuals involved in criminal activities, especially (serious) organised crime with a cross-border component.
The activity will be executed mainly through procurement of dedicated IT&C equipment and services.